The Resources contains our Publications and Presentations about the ontology. If these materials do not satisfy your questions, please do not hestitate to contact us.
How to Cite ECO
ECO: the Evidence and Conclusion Ontology, an update for 2022
Suvarna Nadendla, Rebecca Jackson, James Munro, Federica Quaglia, Bálint Mészáros, Dustin Olley, Elizabeth T Hobbs, Stephen M Goralski, Marcus Chibucos, Christopher John Mungall, Silvio C E Tosatto, Ivan Erill, Michelle G Giglio
ECO: the Evidence and Conclusion Ontology, an update for 2022
Suvarna Nadendla, Rebecca Jackson, James Munro, Federica Quaglia, Bálint Mészáros, Dustin Olley, Elizabeth T Hobbs, Stephen M Goralski, Marcus Chibucos, Christopher John Mungall, Silvio C E Tosatto, Ivan Erill, Michelle G Giglio
ECO-CollecTF: A Corpus of Annotated Evidence-Based Assertions in Biomedical Manuscripts
Elizabeth T Hobbs, Stephen M Goralski, Ashley Mitchell, Andrew Simpson, Dorjan Leka, Emmanuel Kotey, Matt Sekira, James B Munro, Suvarna Nadendla, Rebecca Jackson, Aitor Gonzalez-Aguirre, Martin Krallinger, Michelle Giglio, Ivan Erill
Phenotype annotation with the ontology of microbial phenotypes (OMP)
Deborah A Siegele, Sandra A LaBonte, Peter I-Fan Wu, Marcus C Chibucos, Suvarna Nandendla, Michelle G Giglio, James C Hu
ECO, the Evidence & Conclusion Ontology: community standard for evidence information
Giglio M, Tauber R, Nadendla S, Munro J, Olley D, Ball S, Mitraka E, Schriml LM, Gaudet P, Hobbs ET, Erill I, Siegele DA, Hu JC, Mungall C, Chibucos MC
The Evidence and Conclusion Ontology (ECO): Supporting GO Annotations
Chibucos MC, Hu JC, Siegele DA, Giglio M
From data repositories to submission portals: rethinking the role of domain-specific databases in CollecTF
Sefa Kılıç, Dinara M. Sagitova, Shoshannah Wolfish, Benoit Bely, Mélanie Courtot, Stacy Ciufo, Tatiana Tatusova, Claire O’Donovan, Marcus C. Chibucos, Maria J. Martin, and Ivan Erill
Standardized description of scientific evidence using the Evidence Ontology (ECO)
Marcus C. Chibucos, Christopher J. Mungall, Rama Balakrishnan, Karen R. Christie, Rachael P. Huntley, Owen White, Judith A. Blake, Suzanna E. Lewis and Michelle Giglio